Peter sends Helen some assorted vitamins and such for her birthday.
A get-well-soon card from Peter.
A thank-you note from Jay, plus discussion of baseball predictions.
Peter writes about work, and once again plans to start a business. “I wasn’t using the time [away from work] very constructively; basically just resting & thinking & reflecting & reading & relaxing & relating & reflexing & reeling & writhing & rhythmatics & refluxing & inviting my soul ... hmm I guess it was constructive after all”
Life updates from Jay, age 11. “Peter just got a really neat toy. It’s kind of like an electric organ except it is hand held and you can program so it sounds like a flute or violin or some other instruments.”
Helen writes us a couple of weeks after an apparently hasty end to her and George’s visit. “Sorry about so many things - wanted to sample Joaquin's pizza and cheesecake, fix an up-to-date phone and address book for you, get bed-spreads for the boys”
Peter writes about work, and a sad death in the community, and a computer that Uncle Dobe had bought. “Now, if I work very hard, this stock will be worth something.... if not, it will be good only for wallpaper....”
A thank-you and life-update note from Jed. “The Christmas doughnuts and lefse were DELICIOUS; thank you very much for making and sending them.”
A thank-you and life-update letter from Jay.
Jay wishes George a happy birthday and sends news of his planned trip to see various family members. “It is raining outside and I am thinking dismally of the prospect of delivering newspapers.”