Archive for Languages
Swedish gender-neutral pronoun: hen
Spanish words that break the -o/-a gender rule
Verb conjugators
Two reference sites that provide conjugations for verbs in many languages: Verbix
Ming dynasty rebus
On reviving dormant languages
Lovely, long, fascinating, thought-provoking article about languages going dormant/extinct, and languages being revived, and colonialism, and more, from a Marxist or at least Leftist perspective: “Salvaging the Dormant: On Language,” by Sarah Grey. Includes discussion of updating languages for modern use; of appropriate terminology around the death or dormancy of languages; of forcing Native American […]
Back in March, I watched an episode of the original Mission: Impossible TV series, which led me to look the show up on Wikipedia. I was amused by the paragraph...
Recently happened across the Kryptonian Language Project: “an ongoing effort to flesh out a full working language for the home planet of one of the most popular fictional characters in...
Y'all may have seen the Powerthirst video. (If you haven't, then the following probably won't make any sense.) Well, now there's Powerlatin!!! MORE PRONOUNS THAN YOUR MIND HAS ROOM FOR!!!...
Indian English
I continue to be intrigued by the differences between British/American English and Indian English. I also wonder regularly if some of the grammatical problems I see in submissions written by...