Archive for Pronunciation
How to pronounce Finnish Moomin names
On the pronunciations of “Uvalde”
Bad transliterations
Stressing THE wrong word
Mispronouncing mojibake and bakemoji
The Chaos: Full version
Analyzing Benedict Cumberbatch name variants
Back in December, linguistics grad student Gretchen McCulloch analyzed joke variants on Benedict Cumberbatch's name to see what the underlying patterns are. She gave more statistical detail in a post...
Bucket of Does
I saw a billboard advertising the new Droid cell phone yesterday. It had a hard-edged and manly sort of high-tech industrial look to it, and it said: A BARE-KNUCKLED BUCKET...
Indian English
I continue to be intrigued by the differences between British/American English and Indian English. I also wonder regularly if some of the grammatical problems I see in submissions written by...