Archive for Humor
Two kinda-NSFW items whose juxtaposition amused me: At some point in the past couple days, I happened across a post...
My backup system makes my computer unusably slow if I have too many Safari windows open that contain videos, even...
Yesterday, Gov. Lynch of New Hampshire stated that he would sign the same-sex marriage bill—but only if the legislature adds...
Courtesy of Kam: How to get up, eat breakfast, and get ready for work in five minutes, from a Japanese...
Apparently there are these ads featuring a guy named Vince, showing off products like the ShamWow and the Slap Chop....
I'd like to see a John Hughes-style high school comedy set in a universe in which it's the smart kids...
Back in 2006, a guy named Shamus Young posted a couple of strips of a photonovel-style webcomic with the following...
"Imagine, if you will, sitting down to your morning coffee, [and] turning on your home computer to read the day's...
The other night I was stressed and unhappy, and found myself reading through some old journal entries, one of which...
I just happened across Geoffrey Chaucer Hath An Extreme Blog ("A Directorie of Wondirful Thinges that are Loial to Engelonde")....
Maybe it's just the end-of-Daylight-Saving-induced punchiness (I meant to be asleep an hour ago), but Fafblog Interviews: JOHN MCCAIN made...
The opening segment of Palin's appearance on Saturday Night Live last night, featuring both Tina Fey and Sarah Palin, is...