Archive for Music

Jim’s visit + roundsing

Jim was in town this week. Good visit—played various boardgames, went through some Puzzled Pint puzzles (you can download past puzzle sets from their archives), chatted about stuff, went to the Moffett Field Historical Society Museum, had a roundsing. Even though I’ve lived in this area for most of my life, I didn’t know the […]

Dream: Music-player glitches

This morning’s real-seeming dream: I was riding on a bus that had the ability to play a passenger’s music over its sound system. I accidentally tapped the wrong button on my phone (or maybe my laptop), and one of my music playlists started playing for all the other passengers to hear. Embarrassed, I tried to […]

Paying their rent

I recently listened to James Keelaghan’s version of the shanty “Roll Down,” by Peter Bellamy, and was struck by this line: Then, sweet ladies of Plymouth, we’ll pay all your rent I thought, Huh, that seems like an odd thing for the sailors to do. More like a charitable foundation than like stereotypical sailors on […]