The Beauty of Peter’s Spirit

Thanks for sharing this personal moment, Linda!

One evening my husband Steve was out on our back deck, when he was overcome with grief and a sob escaped him. Peter was on the other side of the fence, and asked Steve in a most concerned tone of voice, “Is everything all right? Is there anything I can do to help?” Steve, who rarely, if ever, talked about this situation, confided in Peter that sometimes our grief just rolled over us like a wave, and could not be controlled. He explained that his 22 year old son had committed suicide a while ago, after which he became choked up and just couldn’t continue speaking. Dear Peter, burst into sobs, saying, “That’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard!”. No one could bear it!”. And continued to cry as though his heart were broken. We were so moved by his genuine outpouring of compassion, and we will never forget his true kindness. Steve and I viewed Peter in a much different way forever after that… — Linda

(Peter lived next door to Linda and Steve for several years. -Dobe)

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