Experience Comes From Bad Judgment?
I remember Peter had a (humorous) phrase he used, often, in the later Tacoma years, anyway…
He would say, “Good judgment comes from experience, and often, experience comes from bad judgment.”, or something like that, and then he completed it, with the syllogistic punchline eluding me!
If you remember Peter using this phrase, PLEASE take the time to tell me? This has confounded me for the last several years. The memory is there, but for whatever reason, I can’t pull it out… I can’t complete the thought.
If only I could just pick up the phone and ask Peter!
Consider this a phone. Consider that I have asked.
It may only be similar to this phrase, but for the record, “Good judgment comes from experience, and often, experience comes from bad judgment.” was attributed to Rita Mae Brown. (I have not personally researched whether this is a correct attribution.)