Archive for From Marcy
Marcy has a day of many spilled items, and writes about laundry and about human reactions to surprises and Halloween costumes, among other things. “part of me loves to be angry. Adrenalin all stirred up, emotions at a high pitch, real, real feelings, alert, senses keyed up[…]. It really feels good to be functioning at this level — all systems go, just almost maximum but no overload, and afterwards an almost post-sexual feeling of good will and contentment.”
A couple of thank-you notes and general life updates. “Life goes on here in the usual hurry-up-&-wait fashion, lurching from (minor) crisis to (near) catastrophe.”
A note accompanying a birthday gift.
Marcy discusses arrangements for George and Helen to visit. “There will be plenty of room for you to stay here no matter how many kids we we have, as they all love to sleep on the floor, especially when they have friends visiting. They think it’s a great adventure.”
Jay has a birthday party, and other life updates. “[Mark would] prefer Cap’n Sugar Krispy Baddies if I’d buy that kind of stuff.”
A placeholder postcard saying that a letter is coming soon.
General life updates from Marcy, on a fairly wide variety of topics. “How I would love to be typing this[,] so you could read it as well as having it—but ya can’t have everything, I guess.”
A dozen daily lists of things that Marcy was grateful for.
The only recipe that I have in Marcy’s handwriting.
In which we get a foster dog, and Marcy and Robert and the dog do a late-night drive to pick up George from the airport. “they’d been adopted by ‘the most wonderful puppy in the world’ but their landlady was very uptight about dogs…”