Archive for Family History

Family letters: January–February 1974

This week in my family history project: Life updates and thank-yous, and a piece of kid art. January 22, 1974 Peter to George: “I’d very much enjoy listening to a tape of some of your [organ] repertoire; no matter what style you played, to me it would always be ‘pop music.’” …and other assorted notes […]

Family letters: December 1973 and January 1974

Oops, I forgot to post here last week. So here are two weeks’ worth of updates in my family history project. The first letter below is also the first substantive letter after a six-month gap, during which many things happened, including moving to Santa Rosa and starting a foster home. A quick overview of the […]

Family letters: November–December 1973

This week in my family history project: I spent a while yesterday and this morning digitizing a letter from Marcy that I had thought was from November, 1973—only to discover after it was ready to post that it must have instead been written in early 1974. So it turns out that the next substantive letter […]

Family letters: Fall-ish 1973

This week in my family history project: Several undated “letters” that consist mostly of art by me and Jay with accompanying descriptions of what the art is intended to portray. …I’ve also now updated my meta entry from last week, because I realized that I left out an entire address! I think this six-month gap […]

Family letters: mid-1973

This week in my family history project: Peter is unhappy about his work situation. Notes about what Jay and I want to be when we grow up and how Marcy’s garden is going. We suddenly shift course and start a foster home. April 16, 1973 In which Peter is unhappy about his work situation. “even […]

Family letters: Spring 1973

This week in my family history project: pinworms, Pinocchio, and puppet shows. Also, explanation of a drawing by me, discussion of what I was reading and Jay’s latest interests, some gardening thoughts, and a detailed discussion of Peter’s drama-filled salary negotiations. March 25, 1973 Peter sends a postcard to let George and Helen know that […]

Family letters: Late 1972, early 1973

This week in my family history project: A Marine World visit; a letter from Peter explaining how much debt we were in; a response from Grandpa George advising us on how to deal with the debt; a letter from Peter and Marcy explaining that the debt wasn’t such a big deal after all. November-ish, 1972 […]

Family letters: Fall 1972, part 2

This week in my family history project: two brief postcards, and one longish letter. Also, moving to a new city. (All from fall of 1972.) September 15, 1972 Marcy explains why she was “running around the house yelling Money Money while [Peter] was on the phone.” September 27, 1972 A thank-you note for some napkins, […]

Family letters: Fall 1972, part 1

This week in my family history project: some items that aren’t exactly letters, plus one letter. All from mid- to late-1972 (I think). June 23, 1972 A postcard that just has my name written on it. (Written by me, age 4+.) Fall-ish, 1972 Peter’s list of his suggestions for names for “the house where i […]

Family letters: Summer 1972

This week in my family history project: a letter from me and two from Marcy, all from mid-1972 (I think). May-ish, 1972 In which balloon stationery makes me think of The Red Balloon. June 2, 1972 In which everyone is very busy in the run-up to Peter’s graduation from Berkeley. “ARGH. So much is happening.” […]

Family letters: Spring 1972

This week in my family history project: three letters from my mother and one probably dictated by me. Mostly written in spring 1972. March 7, 1971 A birthday note to George. “a friend says my handwriting is quite pretty—too bad she can’t read it” I had thought that this one was from 1972, which is […]

Family letters: early 1972

This week in my family history project: three brief letters, two from my mother and one from me, written in early 1972. January 26, 1972 A brief placeholder postcard about an unsent letter. January 30, 1972 Assorted life updates, including thoughts about Jed and stuffed animals. “sometimes [your presents] sit around for a year or […]