Archive for Games

RIP, Bernie DeKoven

I just learned that Bernie DeKoven, a.k.a. “Blue,” has died, of cancer. Bernie was my high school friend Elyon’s father. In high school and college, I had a hard time interacting with most of my friends’ parents, but Bernie was different. He was one of the leaders of the New Games movement. I had grown […]

Influx of chess sets

The other day, I discovered that the only physical chess set in my house was one that doesn’t belong to me. (Not counting the Star Trek 3D chess set, which is useless for playing ordinary chess.) So I ordered a chess set online. More accurately, I ordered four of them: one with metal pieces and […]

Pandemic: Rising Tide

Kam recently acquired the new Pandemic game, Pandemic: Rising Tide, about saving the (19th-century?) Netherlands from sea-level rise using dikes and hydraulic pumping systems. (No diseases in this one!) There are some issues with graphic design/layout of the board, but overall it’s a nice game; as with Pandemic: Iberia, it’s a good combination of familiar […]