Archive for Writing
For the month of March, I promised myself that I would write fiction every day. And I did. This is...
I was going through some old email, and found some notes to myself about how to write a mystery, derived...
I just learned that Lucius Shepard died two days ago. I haven't had much contact with him in a long...
I feel like I haven't posted a general life update here in ages. Partly that's because I have half a...
Received two (friendly) rejections in the past 26 hours, for the only two stories I had out. I gotta say,...
For once, I have no social plans at all this weekend. So I'm gonna stay home and try to make...
A few assorted life updates: Day job I've been at my current day job for nine years as of today....
Starting today, I'm at a writing retreat on the Russian River. I'm hoping to get some fiction written over the...
I noticed this pattern in myself a few years ago: I'll say something in email, or in a public post,...
Here's something I see a lot in submissions: The protagonist is a member of, or working with, an organization that's...
WisCon ended only a few hours ago, but it's already something of a blur, so I'm gonna take a few...
Sometimes, it seems to me, writers don't really believe that their plot and characters and settings and ideas are strong...